Cover Letters
Just like a resume, a great cover letter starts with a careful reading of the job description. Cover letters should be tailored to each job and reflect the qualifications and exact language of the job ad.
If you are applying for a job by e-mailing a resume and a cover letter was not required, you should treat the body of the e-mail as a short cover letter.
What should it include?
Cover letters should still highlight the required qualifications, but they should provide information that is not included in the resume. They should not just be a repetition of all of the information from the resume.
It may feel old-fashioned, but cover letters should begin with Dear ______. When possible you should address it to the name of the manager, hiring manager, or supervisor for the position.
At the end of a cover letter always thank the recipient for their time/consideration. If including any attachments, point that out and offer assistance if they have trouble opening them. Highlight the best way to reach you.